An enigmatic journey into a time of forgotten souls struggling to find a clear road ahead in a time where the world is on a collision course with itself. Those of us who dare to rebuild the world are confronted with ourselves first.
This expressive project leaves no emotion unturned and will be a provocative and introspective experience for those who listen.
[March 2023] Since 2017, I have been working on developing a sonic language that would allow me to construct a sonic landscape for myself and the listener. It's takes much patience to define yourself artisictly and to truly move away from 'whats being done' and into trusting something from within.. but it's a journey worth taking to reach the gold. The first release 'In Time' came from a period where I was almost driven to create manically, all I remember was being in the studio, I don't remember what I did in there, or what I was doing when I wasn't in there.. but the skeleton of this track was created and over the ensuing year I completed the song, mixed it and had it mastered, and finally released in March 2023. This is my first release, with much more to come, I hope that anyone who comes along for the ride is aware of my gratitude and love for being part of my timeless world.
Peace and Love - empire eyes xx